Executive committee members

Valerio De Stefano

Associate Professor
Valerio De Stefano photo

Valerio De Stefano joined Osgoode from the Faculty of Law of the University of Leuven in Belgium, where he was the BOF-ZAP Research Professor of Labour Law. He previously worked as an officer of the International Labour Office in Geneva. Prof. De Stefano regularly publishes articles in major specialized academic journals. He has been guest editor of the Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal for two themed issues: “Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy, and the Law” (2016) and “Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Labour Protection” (2019). He was also the co-editor of a special issue of the European Labour Law Journal on “Testing the ‘Personal Work’ Relation: New Trade Union Strategies for New Forms of Employment.” Prof. De Stefano is currently co-authoring a monograph on algorithmic management, platform work and artificial intelligence, to be published by Hart in 2022. A member of the OECD’s Network of Experts on AI (One AI), he has consulted to the International Labour Office, Eurofound, the Joint Research Center of the EU Commission and several national governments. He is regularly invited to speak an as expert on the labour protection of new forms of work, including to the European Parliament, the European Social and Economic Committee, the OECD and the Canada-EU dialogue on employment, social affairs and decent work.